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The US Military Has Left Afghanistan After 20 Years

The evacuation itself was increasingly dicey, first with concerns over Taliban forces allowing people to freely access Hamid Karzai International Airport, where American evacuation flights were departing.



「アフガンの最も偉大な友人」を狙った卑劣な銃弾 アフガンで井戸を掘った医師中村哲さんの功績


This Is What The First Days Of The War In Afghanistan Looked Like

On Oct. 7, 2001 — 17 years ago today — the US carried out strikes on Taliban forces in Afghanistan in retaliation for the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. These pictures show the events that unfolded in the first year of a war that continues to this day.

Private War: Erik Prince Has His Eye On Afghanistan's Rare Metals

BuzzFeed News is publishing the slide presentation by the founder of Blackwater to privatize the Afghan war and mine Afghanistan's valuable minerals. He pitched the proposal to the Trump administration. Prince told BuzzFeed News, "You're a fucking hack."

How A US Raid On An Afghan Village Went Wrong

A US Special Forces team fought off Taliban attackers all night in an Afghan village. "We walked into a hornet's nest," said one soldier.

Sebastian Gorka Gave A Classified “Tirade” About Radical Islam

The former Trump aide delivered a two-and-a-half-hour speech to students at a US Army elite special operations center, documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act show. People who were there said it was a fiery speech that covered everything from Sharia law to the war in Afghanistan.

The Senate Just Killed An Effort To Rethink How The US Fights Terrorism

The Senate stopped Sen. Rand Paul from getting a vote to repeal the authorizations the US has used as the legal basis for the war on terror for more than a decade. It would have been the first time in 15 years that the Senate has taken a vote on war authorization.

Abandonnés par la France, les interprètes afghans en appellent à Emmanuel Macron

152 Afghans qui ont servi sous drapeau français pendant l'intervention française en Afghanistan sont abandonnés à leur sort, leur sécurité menacée. Pendant la campagne, Emmanuel Macron avait qualifié la situation de «trahison» et comparé leur sort à celui des «harkis». Interrogé par BuzzFeed News, le porte-parole du gouvernement promet de demander des éléments de réponse au cabinet du président.

Trois interprètes afghans racontent comment la France les a abandonnés

Ils sont 152 interprètes afghans. Ils ont servi sous le drapeau français pendant des années. Et à cause de cela certains sont en danger de mort. Mais la France refuse quasi systématiquement leurs demandes de visa. Trois d'entre eux ont accepté de répondre aux questions de BuzzFeed News.

Secret Report Contradicts US Position On Chelsea Manning Leaks

Prosecutors said WikiLeaks' disclosures about Iraq and Afghanistan posed a major threat to US national security. But it turns out the classified document they cited — newly obtained by BuzzFeed News — said almost the exact opposite.

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