15 Things You Need To Stop Doing During Your Quarter-Life Crisis

    Come here, you beautiful hot mess.

    So your mid-twenties snuck up on you and now you don't know how to handle your life:

    It will be OK. Here's a list of what you should STOP doing.

    1. So you aren't where you thought you were going to be at "twentysomething"? There is no shame in that. STOP being so hard on yourself.

    Your teenage dreams of being a CEO at 25 were unrealistic, let's be honest.

    2. STOP glorifying the past.

    3. STOP fretting about the future.

    4. STOP thinking about the fact that you are inching closer to death, osteoporosis, and dying alone. Repeatedly saying "I'm so old" will not make you feel better.

    5. STOP envying couples.

    6. On that note, STOP dating people who are so obviously bad for you:

    7. The easiest way to feel younger is to start dressing younger. RESIST THE URGE TO DO SO.

    8. STOP thinking you are alone. These feelings you are feeling are pretty common.

    how badly does an ear cartilage piercing hurt on a scale of 1 to 'I'm trying to be young again' ?

    9. STOP believing people on Facebook and Twitter have their shit together.

    10. STOP thinking that not knowing what will happen is a bad thing.

    11. STOP overthinking everything.

    12. STOP associating with people who are bringing you down.

    13. STOP giving yourself permission to be such a hot mess.

    14. STOP being so negative.

    15. Now START doing the things that make you happy.

    You are on your way to becoming the person you are supposed to be.