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19 Things You Don't Need To Know About Israel's Eurovision Entry

Nadav Guedj is a golden boy, he's only 16-years-old, and we fancy him.

Nadav Guedj is 16. He's representing Israel in this year's Eurovision Song Contest. In his song, "Golden Boy" (so named because he is a Golden Boy), he claims to be the king of fun. We had to know: Is he really the king of fun? Could he show us how it's done? Or would he let us down? Here's what we learned from our chat with him.

1. Last week he set off a fire extinguisher at school. "It was in my classroom."

2. But his teachers don't know. "I'm going to be in so much trouble when they find out."

3. His favourite pizza topping? "Mushrooms."

4. Because he's only 16 he doesn't drink. "I can't drink! I'm 16! But my favourite drunk food is snacks."

5. What snacks? "All the snacks."

6. He hates pick up lines. "I only hook up with my friends, so I don't need to use lines."

7. His first crush was his babysitter. "I don't remember her name. But I remember she smelled good."

8. Vanilla is his favourite ice cream flavour. "With cookies. That's the best."

9. He doesn't really buy many expensive things. "But once I was riding my friend's motorbike and I crashed it, so I had to pay for its repairs."

10. But that's a secret. "My mum doesn't know. She'd kill me if she knew."

11. If he had all the money in the world, he'd cover his whole body in tattoos. "I already have six, but I want to cover everything."

12. Then he'd open a club.
"It'd be on the beach."

13. We'd be invited. "You're not on the guest list, but I can let you in."

14. Then he would buy a house. "In a really big building."

15. And then he'd buy a street. "Yes, a whole street."

15. When he was 13, he wet himself at school. "I needed the bathroom but I coudn't get my zipper undone."

16. What happened? "I got very wet."

17. Then what?
"I called my mum."

18. He's a party boy. "I like to party in clubs, on the beach... anywhere. As long as my friends are with me, I can party."

19. He's really good at selfies. Look!