22 Signs You're Doing Just Fine

    Sometimes you're an introvert. And other times you're an extrovert.

    1. Sometimes you feel shy in social situations.

    2. Sometimes you feel like staying in.

    3. You have a regular washing schedule.

    4. And a regular cleaning schedule.

    5. You speak to your parents once a week.

    6. You write to your grandparents.

    7. You try to eat healthily.

    8. And exercise regularly.

    9. You're trying to save money.

    10. You have a close group of friends.

    11. You keep all your important paperwork together.

    12. You make your bed in the morning.

    13. Sometimes you fight with your S.O. about stupid things.

    14. You get your hair cut regularly.

    15. You try to alternate a glass of water with a glass of alcohol when you're out.

    16. Sometimes you find it hard to tell people how you really feel.

    17. Sometimes you cry for no reason.

    18. You sometimes sound really sarcastic.

    19. You feel insecure about some bits of your body.

    20. You identify with characters in books and films.

    21. You sometimes read your horoscope.

    22. And you realise that people have many facets, and not one single defining characteristic.