You're Never Going To Look As Good As Paris And Nicole So You May As Well Give Up Now

    Friendship fashion goals.

    Paris Hilton is a pretty glamorous lady.

    And Nicole Ritchie's pretty well-dressed too.

    Which means that when they hang out together, they look ~fLaWlEsS~.

    And no matter how hard you and your BFF may try, you're never going to look as hot as these ladies.

    1. Have you ever paired your favourite jeans with a denim suit jacket and worn absolutely nothing underneath?

    2. Ever coordinated red eyeshadow with red hair extensions and worn a top that goes down to underneath your actual bellybutton?

    3. Ever dressed entirely in fluorescent yellow while your BFF wore a white suit like the powerful woman that she is?

    4. Of course you haven't. That's because you're not as cool as Paris and Nicole. You'd look rubbish in coordinated floaty dresses.

    5. You couldn't pull off hot pink and leopard-print like these ladies.

    6. And you'd look pretty silly in these clashing patterns.

    7. Face it, ladies. You'll never reach the heights of Paris and Nicole.

    8. You'll never rock a baby-blue floral print like Paris.

    9. You'll never rock bright yellow and brown hair extensions like Nicole.

    10. So you may as well give up now.

    11. Because no matter how wide you blow-dry your hair...

    12. matter how many ruffles your skirt contains...

    13. matter how much of only one shade you wear...'ll never beat them.

    14. So just give up. Accept you've lost.

    15. Because, ladies and gentlemen, fashion has peaked.