41 Things That Will Fill Every Control Freak With Uncontrollable Rage


    1. These condiments.

    2. These petrol prices.

    3. This pavement.

    4. This airplane tray table.

    5. This paintwork.

    6. These painkillers.

    7. This window.

    8. This lighting.

    9. This table.

    10. These crackers.

    11. These pencils.

    12. These crayons.

    13. These lunch trays.

    14. This shampoo and conditioner.

    15. This university sign.

    16. These laces.

    17. This pretzel.

    18. This cupboard.

    19. These sausages.

    20. These beers.

    21. This patio door.

    22. This cheesecake.

    23. These DVDs.

    24. These bannisters.

    25. This boxset.

    26. This juice.

    27. These windows.

    28. These buttons.

    29. These toothbrushes.

    30. These balconies.

    31. These stairs.

    32. This weather chart.

    33. This set of Jenga.

    34. This barbecued meat.

    35. This painting.

    36. This toilet.

    37. These urinals.

    38. These light switches.

    39. This Hubba Bubba.

    40. This keyboard.

    41. And whoever designed these piece of shit chopsticks.