17 Philosophers' Faces That Every Twentysomething Will Recognise

    This post contains pictures of old men who spent a lot of time thinking. But they're weirdly relatable.

    1. The "Oh Wow, I Sent Some Regrettable Texts Last Night" face.

    2. The "I'm Very Disappointed. You Looked Different On Tinder" face.

    3. The "Stop Subtweeting Me, It Hurts My Feelings" face.

    4. The "Nope, I'm Not At All Intimidated By Putting Together All Of This IKEA Furniture" face.

    5. The "I Resent Paying For This Round Because I've Arrived At The Pub Late, But I'm Going To Do It Anyway" face.

    6. The "Yeah, I'm Old Enough To Grow Facial Hair Now, What Of It?" face.

    7. The "How Lovely, Another One Of My Facebook Friends Has Just Got Married" face.

    8. The "No, Don't Eat That. Don't You Dare Eat That. I Need To Instagram It First" face.

    9. The "I Just Remembered There's Pizza In The Fridge For Breakfast" face.

    10. The "Of Course This Internship Isn't Paid, Why Do I Even Bother?" face.

    11. The "That's Right, I've Just Successfully Cooked A Meal Without A Microwave" face.

    12. The "Hi, Elderly Relative. Thanks So Much For Asking Me About My Relationship Status In Front Of This Large Crowd" face.

    13. The "Wait, What? This Is Day Two. How Am I Still Hungover?" face.

    14. The "My Rent's Going Up How Much???" face.

    15. The "I Can't Even– Pass Me The Bag Of Wine Immediately" face.

    16. The "Can I Justify Buying More Underwear Instead Of Doing My Laundry?" face.

    17. The "Go On. Right Swipe Me. You Know You Want To" face.