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10 Celebrities Made Up To Look Like Other Famous People

Prepare to see double. Check out these awesome biopic actors with the people they portrayed. For more movie magic, see how the pros make this happen on Syfy’s new season of Face Off, Tuesdays at 9/8c.

1. James Franco as James Dean

James Dean (2001)

2. Denzel Washington as Malcolm X

Malcolm X (1992)

3. Salma Hayek as Frida Kahlo

Frida (2002)

4. Gary Oldman as Sid Vicious

Sid and Nancy (1986)

5. Cate Blanchett as Bob Dylan

I’m Not There (2007)

6. Anthony Hopkins as Alfred Hitchcock

Hitchcock (2012)

7. Joaquin Phoenix as Johnny Cash

Walk the Line (2005)

8. Leonardo DiCaprio as J. Edgar Hoover

J. Edgar (2011)

9. Ben Kingsley as Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi (1982)

10. Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher

The Iron Lady (2011)

Check out Syfy’s Face Off to see how the pros make this makeup magic happen!