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7 Doomsday Prediction Fails

The world's going to end—just kidding! It's not the first time the world's going to end. Defy doomsday with Syfy's brand new series Defiance premiering April 2013.

1. 1806 - The Prophet Hen of Leeds

2. October 22, 1844 - Millerites

3. July 15, 1967 - Jim Jones

4. 1910 - Halley's Comet

5. Oct/Nov 1982 - Pat Robertson

6. March 26, 1997 - Heaven's Gate

7. May 21, 2011 - Harold Camping

Mayan Apocalypse? Forget it, we've all been through "the end of the world" before. Defy doomsday with Syfy's brand new series Defiance premiering April 2013.