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    17 Life Lessons We Learned From "Veronica Mars"

    Stay classy, Marshmallows.

    1. True friendship can overcome any obstacle.

    2. Don't be afraid to change your style.

    3. Always keep a healthy sense of skepticism.

    4. To get through life, sometimes you just have to smile and nod.

    5. It's always OK to cry.

    6. Dream big or go home.

    7. A quick wit can be your best friend.

    8. Restrain your enthusiasm in front of strangers.

    9. Don't be afraid to be the best.

    10. Honesty is (usually) the best policy.

    11. Teamwork can solve most problems.

    12. Know what you're worth.

    13. Love can be found in the most mysterious of places

    14. Nicknames can bring people closer together.

    15. .Humility is a great quality

    16. Dance like no one is watching.

    17. Everyone has an epic love story waiting for them.