20 Crazy, Awesome Tacos

    Tacos: They're more than just food, they're a lens through which to view an entire world. A world of deliciousness; a lens of tortilla (sometimes).

    1. Bacon Shell Taco

    2. Doritos Taco

    3. Banh-Mi Taco

    4. Taco Cake Pops

    5. This Pug Dressed As A Taco

    6. Breakfast Tacos

    7. Cup of Tacos

    8. Strawberry Waffle Taco

    9. Spaghetti Tacos

    10. Kim Gordon's Culver City Tuna Tacos

    11. Choco Tacos

    12. This Cat Dressed Up As A Taco

    13. Taco In A Bag

    14. Fish Tacos

    15. Pancake Tacos

    16. Mexican BLT Tacos

    17. Taco Stuffed Pasta Shells

    18. Vegetarian Fried Avocado Tacos

    19. Wax Moth Larvae Tacos

    20. This Baby Dressed As A Taco