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The 22 Most Adorable Quvenzhané Wallis Moments From The Oscars

The youngest nominee didn't have to win Best Actress to win our hearts.

1. When she was so excited on the way to the red carpet.

2. And then she showed off this amazing dress.

3. And she looked absolutely perfect, as always.

4. And she rocked a headband.

5. And a killer puppy purse.

6. Which was wearing its own fancy dress.

7. When she was NOT impressed by Ryan Seacrest's "video surprise."

8. When she got to mug with Halle Berry.

9. And made this face.

10. And she also got to meet Samuel L. Jackson, who loves her!

11. When she met Kelly Rowland and they adorably held hands.

12. When Channing Tatum wanted to shake her hand.

13. When Jessica Chastain checked out her puppy purse.

14. "I am not Annie. I am Quvenzhane."

-Correcting the AP Reporter who said "I'm calling you Annie now."

Context: Although Quvenzhané was cast as Annie today, which is awesome, she's obviously getting tired of people insisting on calling her anything ("Little Q"?!) other than her actual name.

15. When she was perfectly poised in every interview.

16. "Eating pizza."

-her answer when asked what she likes the most to do.

17. When Janelle Monae demanded that she win.

We W A N T H U S H P U P P Y #oscars-- Janelle Monae

18. When she flexed her muscles after "Beasts Of The Southern Wild" was featured.

19. And when they announced her name, she did it again!

20. Her fans loved her so much that they made awesome fan art.

21. And this one too.

22. In short, when everything she did was ADORABLE.