Let's All Look At This Cat, Smoosh (And Also Lil Bub)

    Smoosh the cat has got the best face, and he has also has the best "girlfriend" – Lil Bub! Here are some pictures of your brand new obsession.

    This is Smoosh!

    Here's Smoosh on his birthday.

    Getting a bath.

    In a bag.

    Here's Smoosh with a dinosaur on him.

    Here's Smoosh with a doily thing on his head.

    He was a cat burglar for Halloween.

    He loves boxes.

    And finally, the happy pair!

    Smoosh! Lil Bub! AHHHH!!!

    My heart is in pieces around me.

    P.S. Here's Bub chasing Smoosh's tail.

    XOXO, Smoosh!