A Couple Decided Not To Get A 4D Ultrasound After Seeing This Picture


    Recently, Reddit user _ItsAllRelative and their wife went to the doctor to get an ultrasound of their unborn daughter. They had planned to get a 4D ultrasound, but were a little put off by a photo in the office.

    UH, WHAT.


    The couple isn't alone. It turns out a lot of people are creeped out by the 4D ultrasound image of their baby.

    My husband finally said to me a few days ago, that the 4D ultrasound images of our baby made him think of aliens.

    One parent said it made her baby look like Gollum.

    Based on our 4D ultrasound, I think I might give birth to Gollum http://t.co/JIIOTJwZuW

    Others just think it makes the baby look scary.

    4D ultrasound pictures of babies freak me out

    Don't worry though, a lot of expectant parents and other family members said they loved seeing the baby in the womb.

    Just getting all emotional looking at Emries 4D ultrasound pictures! My neice is the prettiest baby ever! #perfect

    And they do produce some pretty cute images of babies.

    But as for the Reddit user and their wife, the picture made them opt for a 2D ultrasound.

    "Suffice it to say that we cancelled the 4D ultrasound and went with the 2D instead," they said. "Frankly, I'm surprised the people there were so nonchalant about that picture. It's honestly quite terrifying."