The 19 Absolute Worst Parts Of Moving Interstate

    Moving is awful.

    You're in one state, your new job is in another state. At first, you're like:

    And then reality hits. OMG YOU'RE MOVING INTERSTATE.

    19. The countdown begins.

    18. All of a sudden, everything is a shitstorm of bullshit.

    17. You need to find somewhere to live.

    16. When you start looking, the rent is INSANE.

    15. Moving is expensive, and you're broke as shit.

    14. You don't know how much furniture to move with you.

    13. You go to check out a place that sounds amazing, but it's like:

    12. Checking out a place, and the room is perfect, but the roommates are like:

    And you're like:

    11. Realising you need to make appointments to see your dentist, doctor etc. before you go.

    10. Realising that you literally don't have enough hours in your day to get everything done.

    9. Donating junk that you would actually like to keep, but don't have the room for.

    8. When you procrastinate three full days away because you can't even deal.

    7. Rushing around like a crazy person trying to clean everything.

    6. Not knowing where the fuck you are or how to get anywhere.

    5. When you unexpectedly start crying at your otherwise kickass going away party.

    4. Packing.

    3. Not knowing where to buy food/coffee/anything.

    2. Not having any friends in your new city.

    1. Missing your friends and family.