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Reminder That Ruby Rose Isn't The Only Hot Aussie In Litchfield

~Morello forever~.

By now, you've probably heard about the hot new inmate at Litchfield, played by Australia's Ruby Rose.

But let's all take a moment to recognise the OG Aussie at Litchfield, Lorna Morello, who's portrayed by Yael Stone.

With all this Ruby love, Morello's been a little overlooked this season, and she's fabulous.

Lorna is quirky and goofy...

She's vulnerable and damaged...

...and yes, she's kind of nutty, but in a totally adorable way.

Yael Stone may not use her Aussie accent in the show, but rest assured, she is Australian, just like our girl Ruby Rose.

And just like Ruby, Yael is also crazy talented.

Yael was born and raised in Sydney, and attended Newtown High School of the Performing Arts.

And if that wasn't enough talent for one family, her brother Jake Stone is the lead singer of Aussie band Bluejuice!

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All hail Morello and Yael Stone!

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