42 Times Chrissy Teigen Was The Realest On Social Media

    First things first...

    1. When she knew what it would take to get through a trip to IKEA.

    2. When she was horrified by this atrocity.


    3. When she called Laney out for missing the point in She's All That.

    4. When she was mortified by having to correct a typo on the word "typo."

    5. When she knew what was coming and gave no fucks.

    6. When she was jealous for this entirely valid reason.

    I will never stop feeling jealousy when I see someone with just their first name as their twitter handle

    7. When she offered cooking tips to "lazy trashbags."

    8. When she wondered if the grass really was greener on the other side.

    Can someone with a butt tell me what it's like to have one? Preferably the cons?

    9. When she was exasperated while cooking.

    10. When she offered this great advice:

    I think a good rule of thumb is to never play "fuck/marry/kill" between other couples you are currently sitting with.

    11. When she knew that the point of Scattergories was having fun, rather than winning.

    12. When she proved that she was just like us.

    I came to Rome to watch real housewives of orange county

    13. When she knew how lucky she was and how jealous we all are of her relationship with John Legend.

    14. When she tweeted this #realtalk:

    Forever Young makes me emotional. There is no joke to this.

    15. When she created a new dance move:

    16. When she revealed this fun fact:

    I memorized Josie's grand prom speech when "never been kissed" came out. Yikes.

    17. When she was totally real about "candid" Instagram shots.

    18. When she wasn't sure how to react.

    I don't know how to feel when you tell me you love my drunk tweeting when I'm not drunk

    19. When she found her future child's name.

    20. When she was excited for the future.

    I'm not sure my body has ever ingested a superfood I am excited for the powers that are to come

    21. When she revealed this fact:

    22. When she watched the Brittany Murphy Lifetime movie and had this to say about it:

    23. When she said what everyone was thinking about Jim Marchese from Real Housewives of New Jersey.

    24. When she shipped Bey and Jay Z:

    Thank you Beyoncé for making marriage seem cool it's the only reason I said yes

    25. Like really shipped them.

    26. When she wondered what it was like to have rhythm.

    What is it like to be able to dance help me understand

    27. ... Even though she obviously has tons of rhythm:

    28. When she tweeted this side-eye worthy moment:

    There is always that person in the security line frantically asking what time your flight is AKA they want to cutsies

    29. When she needed a little extra pick me up in the morning.

    30. When she sort of sounded like she wanted the steak and eggs.

    Shit room service just got here at the same time my sister is going into labor QUICK STEAK AND EGGS OR BABY?? BABY RIGHT??

    31. When she hoarded memories from her past, just like us.

    32. When she revealed this #protip:

    I always have a note in my pocket that says "john did it" just in case I'm murdered because I don't want him to remarry #truelove #tips

    33. When she was just genuinely having a great time.

    34. When she stood up for her beliefs and was #unapologetic about it:


    Her belief:

    35. When she trolled us all:

    36. When she made this casual threat:

    If you're going to talk shit to me on Instagram be sure to make your profile private because I will use ALL your dumb ass posts against you.

    37. When she was totally casual.

    38. When she saw this pizza cake and was like "Been there, done that."

    It existed when I ordered 4 pizzas RT “@YourFoodPorn: Pizza Cake. Heaven does exist. ”

    39. When you really couldn't unsee it.

    40. When she got it.

    Never realized how inappropriate/annoying the question "so when are YOU having a baby!?" was until I was on the receiving end

    41. When she sort of got it.

    42. And when she got on board with #POTATOWEEK:

    I don't mean to be a hipster but I celebrate potato week all year so you are lame