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12 Things Your Future Self Will Thank You For

Set yourself up now so that you can reap the rewards later. Life has so much to offer, so take advantage of it! With State Farm® at your side, you can be confident enough to seize today without sacrificing tomorrow.

1. Learning to be on your own, and actually being OK with it.

2. Being able to actually cook something that tastes good.

3. Figuring out who your real friends are, and keeping them closer than ever.

4. Taking care of your body so that you always feel your best.

5. Not letting other people tell you what "success" means.

6. Taking on new adventures!

7. Decluttering your life.

8. Letting go of what you can't control.

9. Getting in the habit of setting aside some time each day to focus on yourself.

10. Finding something to do that you like, and then becoming super good at it.

11. Figuring out how not to waste time.

12. Smiling more, because why not?

Disconnecting from technology.

Good neighbors like State Farm® always have your back, so you can live confidently in the present and in the future.