The Daily Caller Calls Sarah Jessica Parker A Horse

    In at least 5 references, the media outlet compares the actress to an equine following a pro-Obama television ad that aired during the MTV Movie Awards on Sunday. Unsurprisingly, the outlet pulled the lame headline from its website.

    Reference No. 1: "Horse Race"

    Reference No. 4: "Sarah Jessica Parker Sticks Her Nose Into The 2012 Campaign"

    While it's not the first time the horse joke has been used on Sarah Jessica Parker, it's definitely one of the more absurd and offensive takes on it. As The Jane Dough puts it:

    "In a moment of sheer, head-slapping sexism, The Daily Caller decided to use a near-decade-old joke about Sarah Jessica Parker looking like a horse (you know, the joke that wasn’t really funny to begin with and still isn’t?). This for a story that, presumably, is all about her involvement with the Obama campaign. Classy."