Honey Boo Boo's Uncle Poodle Reveals He Is HIV-Positive

    Lee Thompson, more commonly known as Uncle Poodle, disclosed in an interview that he tested positive for the virus.

    "I was adamant about getting my HIV status checked on a regular basis," Thompson told Fenuxe. "On March 16, 2012, I tested negative. Then, in May of 2012 my test results came back positive."

    The news came as a surprise to Thompson who learned that he had been infected by his ex-boyfriend. He failed to disclose his status to Thompson. According to the interview, Thompson was "hesitant" but eventually pressed charges against his ex.

    But now that Thompson has opened up about his status, he wants to renew his focus on being a champion for victims of bullying:

    "I know what it is like to be bullied. I know what it is like to live with HIV. I can help and I want to."

    Read the full interview here.