21 Needlepoints Inspired By Pop Culture

    From Breaking Bad to Mean Girls, these embroiders pay homage to iconic moments in entertainment.

    1. Breaking Bad

    2. Mean Girls

    3. The Dark Knight

    4. Back To The Future

    5. E.T.

    6. Lindsay Lohan's 2007 Arrest

    7. Harry Potter

    8. The Golden Girls

    9. 30 Rock

    10. SNL

    11. SNL

    12. Sesame Street

    13. Vogue

    14. Pee Wee Herman

    15. Star Wars

    16. Hey Girl Ryan Gosling

    17. The Breakfast Club

    18. Saw

    19. Kanye West's Twitter Account

    20. Bob's Burgers

    21. Texts From Hillary