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23 Yahoo Questions That Will Destroy Your Faith In Humanity

"Can your baby get pregnant if you have sex while pregnant?"

We asked the BuzzFeed Community to send us their favorite Yahoo Answers submissions. Here are the hilariously cringeworthy responses.

1. This person who needs to just stop:

2. This horny individual:

3. This gold digger:

4. This Pacific question:

5. This person who definitely doesn't have arachnophobia:

6. FYI: There is no toilet paper in Canada.

7. This person who is all of us:

8. How is babby formed?

9. This person who needs to see a doctor:

10. This perfect response:

11. This person who just wants to do some research:

12. This future surgeon:

13. This turtle porn:

14. This gassy conundrum:

15. Monica:

16. This brilliant sex ed question:

17. *cringes*

18. This... I don't even know:

19. This weird test:

20. This pregnancy question:

21. NOPE:

22. This life-changing way to unbake a cake:

23. And, of course, this masterpiece:

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