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    The 10 Things I Learned From Watching 'Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox'

    In an alternate universe what happens when heroes stop being polite and start getting real?

    10. Yo-yo was an Exciting Villain

    9. Deathstroke is Still a Badass in Any Universe

    8. Cyborg Has Evolved Into a Major Character

    7. It's Always 'Pulitzer Prize-winning' Lois Lane. Always.

    6. If Superman was Stashed Away by the Government Instead of Raised by the Kents

    5. Being a Jerk is in the Wayne DNA

    4. Zoom was a Formidable Foe

    3. You Do Not F#@% With Wonder Woman

    2. Do Not Underestimate Aquaman.

    1. The Flash is Still Better Served on the Big Screen than on TV