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14 Times Someone Took It To The Next Level

This is some serious next levelage. Time to #PunchUp your life!

1. This guy took getting in the car to the next level:

2. This human* took backflips to a new level:

3. This baby is impressing everyone with some next-level dance moves:

4. How about this next-level trust exercise?

5. This is some next-level putting-the-swimming-cap-on:

6. This is some next-level bowling:

7. This cat took escaping to the next level:

8. This toddler took driving to the next level:

9. This guy took doing the laundry to the next level:

10. This panda took sneezing to an adorable level:

11. This girl took pranks to a new, brilliant level:

12. These people took skateboarding to the next level too:

13. This lady takes naps to the next level every day:

14. And this pug tried so hard to get to the next level:

Take life to the next level and #PunchUp any situation with Sour Punch!

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