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The 10 Makeup Commandments

Memorize. Obey. These ten rules will guide you through the murky depths of makeup confusion.

1. Thou shalt never leave the house without dabbing thine lipstick.

2. Thou shalt blend, girl.

3. Thou shalt covet thine exfoliants.

4. Thou shalt never neglect thine eyebrows.

5. Remember the complementary colors, keep them fabulous.

6. Honor thine skin tone - apply foundation correctly.

7. Thou shalt never sleep wearing makeup. Never.

8. Thou shalt always smile whilst applying blush.

9. Thou shalt embrace the wisdom in "less is more."

10. Thou shalt always use primer.

Watch as Kristin Chenoweth is educated in the subtle and ancient art of Fabulous.

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