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Top 5 Summer Songs Everyone Is Sick Of Hearing

You know those songs you started out the summer absolutely loving, but ended up hating by the end after hearing them over and over again? Everyone has them. Heres a list of ours!

Skreened 9 years ago

11 All Time Greatest Swansonisms

Firmly securing Ron Swanson's place as America's Sweetheart.

Skreened 9 years ago

What Your Dog Is Thinking (By Breed)

What's your dog thinking? We've got the answer right here! Every breed has its own take on things. See what your little companion's got on its mind today.

Skreened 9 years ago

14 Must Have Breaking Bad Shirts

You're goddamn right these shirts are amazing. - from

Skreened 10 years ago

17 Shirts That Will Never Let You Forget 2013

We're only into the ninth month of 2013 but we've already had enough life lessons to raise a somewhat functional if maladjusted/celebrity-obsessed toddler. If you're not careful you might completely forget these essential truths by the time 2014 rolls around. Luckily, people have made shirts to commemorate these events so you can keep them in your heart forever, sort of like a tattoo, with less blood and regret... The things we've learned:

Skreened 10 years ago