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This Ballet Routine Set To Hozier’s “Take Me To Church” Is So Beautiful It Hurts

Bonus: The video features Sergei Polunin, also known as the "bad boy of ballet."

If you don't recognize the name Sergei Polunin, you're about to have it stuck in your head all day.

The 25-year-old Ukrainian dancer is known as the tatted-up "bad boy" of ballet.

This video of his performance to "Take Me to Church" by Hozier, directed by photographer David LaChapelle, is probably as close to perfection as you can get.

View this video on YouTube


Polunin's stunning routine matches the emotional intensity of Hozier's lyrics flawlessly.

And the things he can do with his body?! *jaw drop*

If you didn't enjoy ballet before...

...consider yourself a convert to the Church of Sergei.

*fans self*

*says a quick prayer*


Correction: The dance was choreographed by Jade Hale-Christofi. An earlier version of this post stated it was an improvised performance.