9 New Year's Eve Kisses From The Big Screen

    If you can't find someone to smooch at midnight don't fret, the world of cinema provides plenty of 'aww' moments to give you the warm fuzzies.

    1. "Bridget Jones's Diary" (2001)

    2. "When Harry Met Sally" (1989)

    3. "Holiday" (1938)

    4. "The Godfather:Part II" (1974)

    5. "About A Boy" (2002)

    6. "New Year's Eve" (2011)

    7. "Sex And The City: The Movie" (2008)

    8. Honorable Mention: "The O.C" New Year's Kiss

    9. The best New Year's kiss that never happened.

    Inspired? Go get your New Year's kiss!