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    15 Invaluable Lessons "Friends" Taught Me About Life

    The one with all the life lessons

    Condoms are only 97% effective

    Teeth whitener should be left on no longer than the recommended amount of time

    The no frills, fail-proof pick up line

    How to get a proper spray tan

    The importance of Unagi

    There's a time and a place for air quotes

    A verbatim translation of the quintessential break-up line

    The ultimate rock-paper-scissors power play

    Never waste time arguing over a moo point

    The proper way to curse on primetime

    It's okay to need a snuggle buddy sometimes... or all the time

    Dance, sing, and run like no one is watching

    A self-empowering, positive body image

    And though your mother warned you there'd be days like these...

    ...Moral support is just a DVR click away