29 People Who Did A Very Good Job

    Via the excellent Twitter account Well Played. Creatives at the top of their game.

    1. This coffin designer.

    2. This toilet seat designer.

    Well played toilet designer well played.

    3. And this one...

    Well played toilet seat maker well played.

    4. This urinal designer.

    Well played garden centre bathroom designer well played.

    5. This bathroom designer.

    Well played bathroom designer well played.

    6. And this one...

    Well played bathroom designer well played.

    7. This umbrella designer.

    Well played umbrella designer well played.

    8. This fridge designer.

    Well played fridge designer well played.

    9. This t-shirt designer.

    Well played T-shirt maker well played.

    10. And this one...

    Well played T-shirt maker well played.

    11. This baby wear designer.

    Well played baby clothes maker well played.

    12. This lamp designer.

    Well played lamp designer well played.

    13. This calendar designer.

    Well played calendar maker well played.

    14. This escalator designer.

    Well played escalator designer well played.

    15. This bus advertisement designer.

    Well played bus ad designer well played.

    16. And this one...

    Well played bus ad designer well played.

    17. This mug designer.

    18. This London Underground designer.

    @played_well Well played Tube Station Designer!

    19. This pool table designer.

    Well played pool table maker well played (via @_youhadonejob )

    20. This interior designer.

    Well played house designer well played. (via @Dastardly_Pants )

    21. This bookshelf designer.

    Well played carpenter well played. @bbcdoctorwho

    22. This puzzle designer.

    Well played word search designer well played. (it is there)

    23. This linen designer.

    @played_well: Well played bed cover maker well played. (via @Keith_Floyd_ )

    24. This toilet designer.

    25. This sandcastle designer.

    Well played sandcastle builder well played.

    26. This earbuds designer.

    Well played ear buds maker well played.

    27. This bed designer.

    Well played bed designer well played. (via @Dastardly_Pants )

    28. This stair designer.

    Well played stair designer well played. (Via @Dastardly_Pants )

    29. This fence designer.