23 Small Victories Every High School Theatre Kid Will Understand

    As told by Mr. G.

    1. When your drama teacher actually chose a GOOD musical.

    2. And when your drama teacher turned out to be a pleasant human being.

    3. When the school gave the drama department a proper budget.

    4. When every single person didn't sing something from Les Misérables in auditions.

    5. When people were actually happy with their parts when the cast list was posted.

    6. When your lead actress was totally sweet and humble.

    7. When the prop table was actually organized.

    8. When the choreographer was realistic about everyone's talents.

    9. When the boys were OK with the fact they were in a play.

    10. When the chorus actually danced in unison for once.

    11. When no one hooked up with one another.

    12. When the understudy didn't sit backstage and plot their revenge.

    13. When the costumes actually looked good.

    14. When the sound equipment didn't make anyone sound like Darth Vader.

    15. When the crew actually payed attention.

    16. When the band practiced for more than a few days.

    17. When your drama teacher didn't have a complete nervous breakdown during tech week.

    18. When you got through dress rehearsal without stopping 128 times.

    19. When you got through opening night without a single cast member getting sick.

    20. When the random cast members didn't try to make their 10-second solo a Mariah Carey concert.

    21. When no one actually flubbed their lines during a performance.

    22. When no one injured themselves during strike.

    23. And when everyone actually had FUN.