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Shark Week

Shark Week

Shark Week Is Over

Bummer, man. The other 357 days of the year are so boring! (via)

Shark Inspired Art Pieces

The “re-defining” of the animal kingdom has become a widespread trend among artists these days. And sharks are no different. Of course, sharks are fun to play with creatively: their pointy noses, sharp teeth and ferocious nature make them the perfect adversary or the classic anthropomorphic character. Have a look at the shark-inspired artwork below by different artists all over the world.

Damien Hirst's Shark

The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living is an artwork created in 1991 by Damien Hirst. It consists of a tiger shark preserved in formaldehyde in a vitrine.

Helpful Shark Is Helping

Sharks are so misunderstood. Humans can't breath under water, right? Oh God, he's drowning!

JAWS: The Untold Story

The real story behind JAWS!

Sigh Shark Week

Treasure Chest, a religious adventure comic from the 1950s offers a prescient take on Shark Week.



Great White Voldemort

This is what happens when Shark Week and a Harry Potter marathon clash during an all night bender. The most terrifying Dark Wizard of the high seas. Majestic, misunderstood, deadly.

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