21 Times Schmidt From New Girl Perfectly Explained What It's Like To Get In Shape

    "Can we just take a moment to celebrate me?"

    1. That moment when you first start to see results from your workouts.

    2. When you're the only one at brunch who ordered something healthy.

    3. When a friend tries your green smoothie and asks what's in it.

    4. When you come home from having the best workout of your life.

    5. When you realize you actually love the taste of healthy food.

    6. When everyone is telling you about the latest fad diet you should be doing.

    7. When your jam comes on in the gym and you just. can't. help it.

    8. When a leg cramp hits you mid-run.

    9. When you finally get around to washing all your sweaty laundry.

    10. When you're spinning and you hit that groove.

    11. When you're working out and you get WAY too competitive for no reason.

    12. When everyone else is dressed up for Friday night and you refuse to take off your comfy clothes.

    13. When your friend asks you to skip the gym for the day.

    14. When you and your workout buddy each do three reps of your max.

    15. When you beat all of your personal records.

    16. And you're all like...

    17. When someone takes the last squat rack.

    18. When it's rest day and you have no idea what to do with yourself.

    19. When you're all the way at the gym before you realize you left your protein shake at home.

    20. When you look in the mirror and are proud of your hard work.

    21. When you finally get home at the end of the day.