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    10 Signs You're Addicted To Shopping

    Are you "adding to cart" more often than adding up numbers at work? Here are the signs that you might have a problem!

    1. You get overly excited when you receive an e-mail about a sale.

    2. You need to check out EVERYTHING on sale before you do any work.

    3. You do this when your boss walks by so he doesn't know you're on 5 different shopping sites right now.

    4. You're ecstatic Christmas is over so that you can start BUYING STUFF FOR YOURSELF AGAIN!!!

    5. You turn into THIS when you see the words "Only One Left"

    6. And after you make your purchase, you're like

    7. You feel SO accomplished, you want to dance around your office!

    8. And then you're like MOOOOORE...I. WANT. MORE.

    9. You love your purchase even if it looks insane when you wear it.

    10. And then it starts ALLLLL OVER AGAIN!

    So are you addicted? BONUS: Here's THREE ways you can try to SOLVE your problem!

    1. Read this article on "fast fashion" and how it destroys lives.

    2. Make a Resolution and STICK to it!

    3. Make your resolution public so that you're accountable for your actions!

    Good luck and happy (socially responsible) shopping!