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    11 signs you did Quiz Bowl in high school

    auk auk auk

    1. You are often chastised for trying to answer Trivial Pursuit questions within the first few words, rather than waiting for the entire question to be read.

    And watching Jeopardy annoys you for the same reason.

    2. You might not have worn a fedora (or a cape) to the state tournament, but you know someone who did.

    3. You would slack on reading books for your classes because you were cramming on classic and obscure literature that might come up during Quiz Bowl practice.

    4. You became used to the fact that no one (not even your parents) would recognize your wins in Quiz Bowl as much as athletics, but you still felt strongly that they should.

    5. You relished every moment practicing with buzzers, knowing it would probably be the last time you’d get to do so (unless you one day fulfill every Quiz Bowler’s dream of getting on a game show).

    6. It took you longer than it should have to realize that the Great Auk was a real thing.

    7. And you still have inside jokes with your friends about it from Knowledge Master.

    8. There’s still that one question you got wrong that will haunt you for eternity.

    9. But you don’t hold a grudge against teammates that cost your team points, because you’ve all been there.

    10. Now that you’re older, you want nothing more than to be a judge at the competitions.

    11. Your friends are surprised and impressed that you once did Quiz Bowl. Or maybe they’re not at all.