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    10 Signs You're In A Committed Relationship With Netflix

    Things are serious. It's 'Facebook Official.'

    1. You’ve gone ridiculous amounts of time without interaction with the outside world. Or showering, for that matter.

    2. There’s nothing more appealing than a night in, watching Netflix with your best friends, Ben and Jerry!

    3. The minimum number of episodes you ever watch in one sitting is three.

    4. Netflix just gets you.

    5. Choosing your next show to marathon is like planning your future with your significant other.

    6. You appreciate that Netflix doesn’t judge you.

    7. You no longer make excuses for missing social engagements. Spending time with Netflix is a good enough reason.

    8. The only time Netflix disappoints you is when it asks you if you’re still watching.

    9. Netflix gave you the best Valentine's Day gift. Ever.

    10. Like you will with you future children, you tell everyone about the greatness that is the "Netflix Original Series."