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Who's The Most Underrated Music Artist Right Now?

We need to know what the ~cool kids~ are listening to.

There's nothing like rocking out to your favorite jam, right?

Or how about bopping out to your all-time favorite artist?

But perhaps the best feeling of all is discovering a new artist, group, or even just a record or song that seemingly NO ONE has heard of.

Face it, we all know about Nicki and Drake and TSwift and Lana. BUT WE WANT MORE!!!

We want your music recommendations of what we SHOULD be listening to right now — all those smaller or up-and-coming acts that are going to be ALL the buzz soon!

Leave your recommendations/suggestions in the comments below (also, tell us why we should be listening), and you might be featured in a BuzzFeed post!

This is a no-judgment zone (well, unless you're Rihanna). There really is no artist too big or small to be mentioned!