Rihanna Got High And Was A Bridesmaid In Wedding Because Why Not

    She was smokin' in every sense of the word.

    RIHANNA aka BADGALRIRI: You may know her as a full-time pop princess, and part-time queen of giving no fucks whatsoever.

    It shouldn't surprise you that yesterday Rihanna partook in one of her favorite pastimes: getting high AF in honor of 420.

    But bad bitch that she is, Rihanna couldn't just smoke a joint and call it a day like any old plebe. SHE CELEBRATED 420 BY GOING TO A WEDDING.

    Assistant Jenn Rosales got married in Hawaii, and in true RiRi fashion, she blazed 4 daze as the most badass bridesmaid of all time.

    Complete with a baller bucket hat to match her bridesmaid bathrobe, natch.

    Talk about a BUDDING romance.

    #420Wedding YAAASS!!!

    Thanks for setting the bar for being a bridesmaid way too HIGH, Rihanna!