19 Things All Runners Would Never Say

    Lace up those sneakers and race through this post!

    1. "I don't have enough time to run today."

    You would MAKE time to run, TBH.

    2. "I prefer to run on a treadmill."

    3. "Running is soooooo boring."

    4. "It's too cold/wet/hot outside to run today."

    5. "I'm not a morning person."

    6. "It doesn't bother me when someone in front of me is running slow..."

    7. "... or if there is a pedestrian in my way."

    8. "I don't sweat a lot."

    9. "I've never gotten a blister."

    10. "I can run in pretty much any pair of sneakers."

    11. "Running isn't a contact sport."

    12. "Cramping doesn't bother me that much."

    13. "I have great feet..."

    14. "... and no tan lines to speak of."

    15. "I've never had to go to the bathroom while on a run."

    You've become pretty damn good at holding it in, though.

    16. "I'm not hungry."

    17. "I'd rather work out in a gym."

    And miss out on the sunshine and fresh air? Not a chance.

    18. "I'm not competitive."

    19. "I hate running."

    Baby, you were born to run!