24 Spectacular Newspaper Corrections

    Elton John got it right: sorry is the hardest word.

    1. Sorry, aliens.

    2. Holy wrong.

    3. Missed a beat.

    4. Neigh excuses.

    5. The crucial details.

    6. Geek correction #1.

    7. Geek correction #2.

    8. Geek correction #3.

    9. Geek correction #4.

    10. That's butter.

    11. What a stud.

    12. Just, wow.

    13. Career change.

    14. Hard to swallow.

    15. How rude.

    16. A crime is a crime.

    17. Porn star priest.

    18. Incorrerct correction.

    19. Conspiracy theory.

    20. Keep digging.

    21. The power of punctuation.

    22. Schoolboy error.

    23. Mind-blowing.

    24. The ultimate typo.