Let The Tarot Help You With Your Crush

    Let the cards do the work for you!

    Step 1: Play the Vine and tap it to stop on a tarot card.


    Step 2: Look below for the card and its meaning!

    0 - The Fool: Take a bit of a risk! Don't be afraid of the outcome. Use this momentum to ask them out!

    1 - The Magician: Show off just a little bit of your confidence. Your crush will take notice of how ~together~ you are.

    2 - The High Priestess: It's time to just listen to what your gut is telling you. What do your instincts say? Trust them.

    3 - The Empress: Before you take your next step, be sure to get in tune with yourself. Take care of YOU before folding them into the mix.

    4 - The Emperor: Does it seem like your crush is a lot of hard work right now? It's okay! You're in control still, and you know how to make things happen. Do the hard work.

    5 - The Hierophant: Make today a big day! Being a big deal is cool and important, so celebrate those feelings.

    6 - The Lovers: Express yourself! The best relationships are those based in respect and honor; get ready to go to the next step once you communicate that.

    7 - The Chariot: Take the next step if your crush sparks really strong feelings in you. You should both be following where fate seems to be leading you.

    8 - Strength: Have you been hiding your feelings? Don't! Maybe step out from the shadows now; have confidence!

    9 - The Hermit: Now may not be the time for bold strokes. Check in with yourself to make sure this relationship is actually something you want to pursue.

    10 - Wheel of Fortune: Even though it may seem weird at first, it's time to let fate take care of things for a while. No need to take any action on your part.

    11 - Justice: Would this relationship be fair? Only go after things if it feels like it will be balanced in the future.

    12 - The Hanged Man: Let yourself go! Stop worrying about all the little things. If you stop clinging to possibilities, you might be surprised where the relationship takes you.

    13 - Death: This crush just ain't for you, but that's alright! All things must end in order for new things to begin.

    14 - Temperance: It might be time to include your crush into your feelings. That will let you both feel like you're on the same page.

    15 - The Devil: Why isn't this relationship working? This crush may not be the healthiest for you right now. Check out why it's a bit broken and learn from that lesson.

    16 - The Tower: Weird communication issues keep gunking up any progress with your crush. Try being more clear and see how far that gets you.

    17 - The Star: This relationship is a good idea! It's definitely a highlight of your life currently. Maybe explore the next step with your crush.

    18 - The Moon: Your crush probably doesn't even know you like them. That's okay for right now. This is the relationship of your ~dreams~. Know that not all dreams stay hidden for long, though.

    19 - The Sun: Keep heading in the direction this relationship is pointing. See where it leads you, and enjoy the ride!

    20 - Judgement: If you feel like your crush has wronged you, it is time to let all of those feelings go. Move ahead without holding grudges.

    21 - The World: Feel free to make a move on your crush, especially if they've also shown interest with you. This would be a very merry relationship!


    Queen of Wands: Keep pursuing this crush, for sure. (Not in a creepy way, tho.) This relationship sparks interest in you, which is good!

    King of Wands: You can't be afraid now of any hard work that you might need to do. Sometimes important things require effort.

    Knight of Wands: It'll probably fall on you to make any big moves in this relationship. Don't be afraid to take control!

    Page of Wands: Make sure this crush is one that inspires you and makes you feel joyous! That's the relationship you want.

    Ace of Wands: There are two people in this relationship; be there for your crush while also trying to expand your personal goals.

    2 of Wands: There's a big decision ahead of you. Make your choice calmly and with the right amount of thought. Once you've decided, though, stick with it strongly!

    3 of Wands: Make the first move! Nothing will happen, ever, unless someone does the thing.

    4 of Wands: It's important to remember that you're each individuals with goals and paths. This relationship shouldn't stifle that.

    5 of Wands: If this crush seems a little heavy, create times and spaces to have fun with them instead. Not everything has to be the biggest deal in the world.

    6 of Wands: Once you express that you accept yourself, flaws and all, your crush will see that confidence and will definitely respond to it!

    7 of Wands: Be patient! This relationship is definitely one that you really want, but these things take time. Love grows in stages.

    8 of Wands: Would this relationship work out? See if it makes sense before putting all of your hopes/energies behind it.

    9 of Wands: Do you find yourself continuing to like similar people? It's time to try on feelings for a different kind of person. See how it goes! Old habits are boring.

    10 of Wands: There might be a lot of work ahead of you, but you're excited for that possibility! Make sure this relationship is worth the effort.


    Queen of Cups: Go for this relationship with your whole heart. Now's not the time to shy away from how you feel.

    King of Cups: If this crush makes you more worried than excited, it's time to let it go and stop worrying!

    Knight of Cups: As long as your heart and mind are both on board together, definitely see where this relationship takes you.

    Page of Cups: Speak out! Let your feelings be heard!

    Ace of Cups: If you've been feeling some tension or weirdness with your crush lately, just know that it will fade away with time.

    2 of Cups: Before moving forward, be sure this relationship will be one where you can each share/receive the joys of life. Balance is key!

    3 of Cups: Even a small word can go a long way! Make a subtle hint toward your true feelings.

    4 of Cups: You think you want to move ahead with this relationship, but perhaps check in with your emotions just to clarify. Sometimes things are hidden and you don't realize it!

    5 of Cups: If this crush keeps bumming you out, leave it behind! There are better things waiting for you.

    6 of Cups: Does your crush make you feel shy, like a little kid? It's time to take a bold action toward a next step in your relationship, like a grown-up would.

    7 of Cups: See which direction in life is currently motivating you the most. Is it career? Your family? This crush? Follow what speaks to you deeply.

    8 of Cups: It's time to go your own way, as you're an independent person after all. Whether or not that's with your crush is for you to decide...

    9 of Cups: You're confident, and that's WONDERFUL! But your relationship isn't just about you. Take your crush's feelings into consideration, too.

    10 of Cups: Your wishes have been totally granted with this relationship! Do what you need to in order to make it happen.


    Queen of Swords: Has your own heart been giving you mixed signals? So weird! Figure out what it is you actually want before moving forward.

    King of Swords: Are you used to dealing with manipulative folk? No more of that. From now on, follow what makes you feel things.

    Knight of Swords: Go after what makes your heart sing! You want more of that in your life.

    Page of Swords: Time to be more courageous than usual. Take a big risk - remember to trust yourself!

    Ace of Swords: Something exciting and new can be headed your way if you just approach all things with clarity. Don't try to cover things up.

    2 of Swords: Listen to what your gut is telling you. Follow that truth. It can be scary but fine to rely on your instincts. They won't lead you astray.

    3 of Swords: Find a way to blend your mind with your heart. If you can find that happy medium, then feel free to move ahead!

    4 of Swords: Time. To. Relax. Don't feel pressured to push this relationship forward if you're not ready to. Find your own personal center before making a move.

    5 of Swords: Leave your old habits behind because they ain't gonna help you out now. Stand up for yourself in this relationship, and ask for clarity/truth.

    6 of Swords: This relationship shouldn't be hard work. Get back to basics and learn how to communicate your honest feelings.

    7 of Swords: Shake things up! Do something you wouldn't normally do! See what happens.

    8 of Swords: It can be scary to trust yourself and the world around you, but it's time to realize what's holding you back. Relinquishing some control might be good for you.

    9 of Swords: Have you recently realized this crush may not be for you? That's okay! There's lots of other options for you to explore, even if it feels unlikely right now.

    10 of Swords: Don't draw fast conclusions with this relationship. Move cautiously, but avoid people who just love drama.


    Queen of Pentacles: Just in case your crush seems a bit boring to your friends, remember that the everyday activities of life are just as important as the big ones. Celebrate it!

    King of Pentacles: Don't let your relationship take you for granted! Stand up for your ~inner worth~.

    Knight of Pentacles: Does this relationship propose some problems? Don't let that deter you. Have confidence in your skills.

    Page of Pentacles: Make sure this relationship lets both of you showcase your talents. Don't let anyone feel stifled.

    Ace of Pentacles: By accepting yourself, and others!, your uniqueness will shine through and your crush will see that!

    2 of Pentacles: There's a balance to every relationship and some form of give/take. If things feel like they're changing, go with the flow. Don't fight it!

    3 of Pentacles: All of your relationships should be celebrating all of your unique qualities. If they don't, then it's time to ditch them.

    4 of Pentacles: Relationships should be building you up, always. Make sure this crush will take you higher.

    5 of Pentacles: It's okay if you two need to rely on each other. It should be balanced, however.

    6 of Pentacles: It always has to be okay to give AND receive in your relationships. If it feels like you wouldn't be able to do that, then avoid them altogether.

    7 of Pentacles: Is this relationship a lot of hard work? Just take notice if it will be or not. No need to avoid the effort, but just know what's ahead of you.

    8 of Pentacles: As long as your crush is ready to support your choices, then definitely move ahead with the relationship. Nobody should be taken for granted.

    9 of Pentacles: You're better than any jealousness or petty feelings, remember that. Get rid of people who make you feel that way; instead, find the ones who will take you higher.

    10 of Pentacles: By working together, not separately, you'll find a very complimentary higher ground. Include your crush on your feelings!