16 Emojis All Cat People Wish Existed

    When the cat with hearts in its eyes just won't cut it.

    1. A tub for a bath full of bubbles and shame,

    2. a way to open food that's only brand name,

    3. and this little toy to practice catching mice,

    4. a box the toy came in which is also quite nice,

    5. an alarm clock reminder to wake up right "meow,"

    6. a dead mouse on your doorstep to leave you wondering "how,"

    7. a ladder to the fridge because who are you kidding,

    8. a laser pointer for cats to do its bidding,

    9. the perfect glass of water just poised to knock over,

    10. a way to get rid of the cat hair that covers,

    11. a litter box that contains your future doom,

    12. a buddy who follows you into each and every room,

    13. the toastiest spot on the living room floor,

    14. a terrifying monster who's hungry for more,

    15. a warm friend who understand when you don't want to be alone,

    16. and a bag of goodies for when they're in the zone —

    All of these emojis should be on your phone!