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This Girl's Senior Quote Beats Everyone Else's This Year

Nailed it.

This is 17-year-old Rafika Alami, and her photo and quote in her high school senior yearbook just went super viral – for good reason, too.

For all y'all wondering why everyone's freaking out over my senior quote 😇

Alami goes to Summit High School in California and said she just did it because she thought it was funny. That was before it spread all over Twitter and Tumblr.

Alami told BuzzFeed that the reactions have been great. A lot of people have told her they love her self-confidence.

"I'm getting a lot of 'slay' and 'G.O.A.T.' comments [ed.: 'greatest of all time']," she said. "There are a very small handful of people saying I'm putting girls down, but I'm really not."

She said her new notoriety has brought out some racist trolls, too. But for the most part it's mainly fans and jealous classmates.

Your move, every other kid in America.