A Christian Rapper Recorded An Anti-Gay Version Of Macklemore's "Same Love"

    His name is Bizzle and he's upset that gay people think of themselves "the new black."

    This is the "Same Love" response track recorded by Houston rapper Bizzle. It takes the backing beat from Macklemore's "Same Love" but it has a a very different message.

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    You rather fight God than fight sin The Bible is alright until it calls what you like sin And I feel so disrespected that you were so desperate You would compare your sexual habits to my skin Calling it 'the new black?' Tell me, where they do that? They hung us like tree ornaments, where were you at? They burned us for entertainment, you go through that?" Moms raped in front of their kids while they shoot dad Ever been murdered just for trying to learn how to read, bro? Show of hands? I didn't think so So quit comparing the two it ain't the same fight You can play straight. We can never play white.Using black people as pawns for your agenda These sell-out rappers that do whatever you tell em.

    According to the Houston Chronicle, this isn't the first time Bizzle has remixed a more faith-oriented version of a popular song.

    You were never oppressed. The devil was a liar The only thing oppressed was your sexual desire Keeping your desires oppressed is so lame to you But when you get married that's what you expect your mate to do It angers you if I compare you to a pedophile Because he's sick, right, and you're better, how?

    Between embeds on Bizzle's YouTube and Soundcloud, the song's been listened to over 60,000 times in the last day or so.

    With users on Twitter and Facebook lauding the song's message.

    Bizzle on Twitter, however, has posted about how he doesn't think the song is meant to inspire more hate.

    KNOW THIS! To those cheering me on while calling people fags, and devaluing them, dont get it twisted, I am NOT on your side #YouCanGetItToo

    TEAM GOM!!! As you address people on social networks and comment sections, please do not return the hate. #RepHimWell Love Y'all!!!