36 Surreal And Defiant Photos From Istanbul's #OccupyGezi

These are the quirky, tired, and dramatic faces of Turkish activism.

Darth Vader showed up.

لا عزاء للمُبصِرين


Turkish sense of humor.. It would appear they've got some..

cc @MohHKamel

View this video on YouTube


And there are Guy Fawkes masks.

Our Brothers and Sisters of #Anonymous in #Turkey #Istanbul for #OccupyGezi RT



Our Brothers and Sisters of #Anonymous in #Turkey #Istanbul for #OccupyGezi RT

Dear Anonymous. You do not forgive. We are LOADING. Hello from Taksim #occupygezi @YourAnonNews @AnonOpsLegion

Ozan Vural


Dear Anonymous. You do not forgive. We are LOADING. Hello from Taksim #occupygezi @YourAnonNews @AnonOpsLegion

There are musicians.

Classical music concert at #occupygezi followed by crowds chanting "Tayyip enemy of culture" #istanbul #taksim

Zeynep Erdim


Classical music concert at #occupygezi

followed by crowds chanting "Tayyip enemy of culture" #istanbul #taksim

There are musicians wearing Guy Fawkes masks.

Protesting like a boss. #Taksim #OccupyGezi

Anonymous Sweden


Protesting like a boss.

#Taksim #OccupyGezi

And a musician who marched, guitar in hand.

There is yoga.

Gezi Park'ta yoga yapan direnişçiler. Poziyonun adı "Altaylı SCD"

Altuğ Yücel


Gezi Park'ta yoga yapan direnişçiler. Poziyonun adı "Altaylı SCD"

"Oh yes, the #occupygezi demonstrators are very violent. They're doing yoga right now" via http://t.co/TUu8RhqT3Y



"Oh yes, the #occupygezi demonstrators are very violent. They're doing yoga right now" via http://t.co/TUu8RhqT3Y

Gezi Parkı'ndan güzel görüntüler gelmeye devam ediyor:) Yoga saati! #DirenGeziParkı #OccupyGezi

Fil'm Hafızası


Gezi Parkı'ndan güzel görüntüler gelmeye devam ediyor:) Yoga saati! #DirenGeziParkı #OccupyGezi

A lot of yoga.

There are hammocks.

And there is a library.

@SDMumford In today, people distributed a lots of books and they read in gezi park like that :)

Queen of Plunderer


@SDMumford In today, people distributed a lots of books and they read in gezi park like that :)

There are dogs.

A dog inside Gezi park, it's placard reads " Tayyip with no personality"! #istanbul #gezipark #occupygezi

Katy Shafigh


A dog inside Gezi park, it's placard reads " Tayyip with no personality"! #istanbul #gezipark #occupygezi

Like this one in sunglasses that rides a motorcycle with his protester human.

Guy that was photographed yesterday sleeping with his dog + mask + glasses, here again ful awake at Gezi Park

Arie Amaya-Akkermans


Guy that was photographed yesterday sleeping with his dog + mask + glasses, here again ful awake at Gezi Park

Or this dog that would rather have a park than a mall.

'If there's no park, I'll poop in the mall' (from Istanbul protests) #direngeziparki

Yildiray Cinar


'If there's no park, I'll poop in the mall' (from Istanbul protests) #direngeziparki

Or this dog that understands the importance of a clean Gezi Park no matter how vicious the protesting becomes.

A dog helping with the cleaning in Gezipark, Istanbul. #occupygezi #occupyturkey

Animal Planet


A dog helping with the cleaning in Gezipark, Istanbul. #occupygezi #occupyturkey

There are dogs that are being protected from tear gas.

And some that became more active than others.

Protesters in Istanbul helping a dog affected by tear gas.

Cha Sophie Nielsen


Protesters in Istanbul helping a dog affected by tear gas.

There is art.

Gezi cok kalabalik ve harika! #direngeziparkı #occupygezi

Gurkan Gurel


Gezi cok kalabalik ve harika! #direngeziparkı #occupygezi

Turkish protesters get creative: because statues are people too. #occupygezi #direngeziparkı #bubirsivildirenis

Aylin Geziparkı


Turkish protesters get creative: because statues are people too. #occupygezi #direngeziparkı #bubirsivildirenis

And there is kissing.

"Ogni movimento rivoluzionario è romantico per definizione" (Antonio Gramsci) Foto da Istanbul

Il Popolo Viola


"Ogni movimento rivoluzionario è romantico per definizione" (Antonio Gramsci)

Foto da Istanbul

capulculove ❤ #occupygezi #occupyturkey #direngezi #ozgurlugunesahipcik

Birsen Birdir


capulculove ❤ #occupygezi #occupyturkey #direngezi #ozgurlugunesahipcik

There was even a bride and groom that marched in their wedding attire.

There is a whirling dervish in a gas mask.

The picture of the dervish protester in a gas-mask is already iconic. #occupygezi

Yiannis Î’aboulias


The picture of the dervish protester in a gas-mask is already iconic. #occupygezi

(When I saw the gas-mask dervish yesterday, he was shirtless!) #occupygezi

Elif Batuman


(When I saw the gas-mask dervish yesterday, he was shirtless!) #occupygezi

And a protester-organized SWAT team, complete with spray-painted anarchy riot shields.

There are children.

With all the violence, this is the most powerful image I've seen out of #turkey. #occupygezi #OpTurkey



With all the violence, this is the most powerful image I've seen out of #turkey. #occupygezi #OpTurkey

And young people.

And protesters that are a little bit older.

Now in its eighth day, at least 3,195 people have been injured and 700 people detained since last Friday, with no signs of slowing down.

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