18 Things That Millennials Are Made Fun Of That Were Like Totally True For Generation X

    Can't we all just agree that if you were 20-years-old in any period of history you were probably obnoxious?

    1. Your Slang:

    2. Your Tattoos:

    3. Your Clothes:

    4. Your Phone:

    5. Your "edgy" music:

    6. Where you live:

    7. Your pop stars:

    8. Your haircut:

    9. Your horrible dance craze:

    10. Your TV shows:

    11. Your photos:

    12. Your "cool" food:

    13. Having to read David Foster Wallace's obnoxious footnotes:

    14. Being a liberal arts major:

    15. Your controversial rap music:

    16. Your annoying rap music:

    17. Talking about stuff that came out 20 years ago:

    18. Getting old enough to realize that there is nothing more embarrassing than this: