17 Adorable Animals Explain How The BuzzFeed Animals Newsletter Could Completely Change Your Day

    Email? More like SQUEEmail.

    1. Imagine your eyes are crossing from boredom, staring at your screen at work...

    2. Or sitting through the world’s longest class...

    3. Or just nodding off on the couch at home.

    4. You're yawning like this tiger cub who stayed up way too late last night!

    5. You're in desperate need of a pick-me-up!

    6. When all of a sudden, there it is in your inbox: The cutest posts BuzzFeed Animals has to offer, packaged for your convenience in newsletter form.

    7. And when you open it, you find TONS of adorable things, like this very enterprising shopkeeper.

    8. And this kitten who has no idea that her tail is part of her body.

    9. And this goat with lots of questions.


    10. And this baby fox trying his hardest to climb up a slide.

    11. And this duckling who REALLY needs to tell you something.

    12. And so many more fun li’l friends!

    13. Just like that, you're awash in a sea of squee.

    14. You’re lost in a forest of fluff!

    15. Your day has gone from boring and drab...

    16. To absolutely fab!


    17. And before you know it, you pretty much feel like this. So sign up now and get ready to smile!

    The BuzzFeed Animals newsletter: Making your inbox 1000% more adorable every Monday and Wednesday. Enter your email address to sign up now!