Annoying Things You'll Come Across Riding The NYC Subway

    Riding the NYC Subway is interesting, and if you've been on the Subway, these are probably the things that bother you.

    Homeless people sleeping on the seats...

    Other people's body odor...

    The guys who breakdance on the train...

    People who push themselves onto an already packed train..

    The Red Shopping Bag...

    The face you see after you've been beaten for a seat...

    Please Swipe Again...

    People trying to buy/sell a Metrocard Swipe...

    The person trying to sell you something or convert you to another religion...

    The person who feels the need to put their headphones at the highest volume...

    The person who feels the need to dance or sing to the songs on their headphones...

    People who have make out sessions on the train/platform...

    People who stand too close to you on the platform...

    People who complain about the train taking too long...

    Trying to get out of the door in this mess...

    People who tip over when they sleep...

    Subway perverts...

    People who bring their bike on the train during Rush Hour...

    Screaming kids on the train...

    People who eat on the train...

    Loud Talkers...

    Hot/Humid Train Platforms

    People who don't understand the escalator rules

    People who need to look at the map...

    People who talk on the phone...

    People who spred their legs like the grand canyon...

    People who play games with the volume on...

    People who refuse to hold onto the pole...

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