21 Language Sins That Will Send You Straight To Spooky Grammar Hell

    Up with this we will not put.

    1. Confusing "your" (belonging to you), and "you're" (you are).

    2. Using "I" as an object pronoun instead of "me".

    3. Confusing "than" (which signifies comparison) and "then" (which just means "later").

    4. Saying "myself" instead of "me" to sound more "proper".

    5. Confusing "its" (belonging to it) and "it's" (it is).

    6. This, which isn't a word.

    7. Pluralisin'g word's by addin'g apostrophe's befor'e the las't lette'r.

    8. This, which isn't a word either.

    9. Using "less" instead of "fewer".

    10. Trying, and failing, to give no shits.

    11. Comma denial, a single instance of which can drastically alter the meaning of a sentence.

    12. This torture.

    13. Using quote marks for "emphasis".

    14. Confusing "lose" (to misplace or be deprived of something) and "loose" ("not tight").

    15. Using "everyday" (which refers to something that happens daily) instead of "every day" (which means each day).

    16. Saying "could of", "would of" or "should of" instead of "could have", "would have" or "should have".

    17. This atrocity.

    18. Confusing "there" (in that place), "their" (belonging to them), and "they're" (they are).

    19. Spelling "grammar" wrong.

    20. Correcting a grammarian's grammar when they're just being colloquial.

    21. And the most unforgivable sin of all, correcting a grammarian's grammar, and being in the right.

    I don't understand what I have become.