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24 Baby Bunnies To Ease You Back Into The Working Week

Forgot how to function over Easter? We have a bunny for that.

1. Are you heartbroken that Easter is over and you're back at work?

2. Did you want to cry when your alarm went off this morning?

3. Were you late into work because you'd spent Easter in your pyjamas and had no idea where your keys were?

4. Be honest: are you a little bit offended that no one is handing you some chocolate RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT?

5. Well, never mind.

6. Have a look at these little guys.

7. And these cuties.

8. And these sleepy twins.

9. And this plucky loner.

10. Don't think about the fact that you spent your commute with your face in another man's fragrant armpit.

11. Or that you've forgotten half the passwords you need to do your job properly.

12. Or that this time yesterday you were lightly snoozing under half a hot cross bun.

13. Just let your mind go quiet, and look at these bunnies.

14. Look at how perky this one is.

15. Imagine how soft this guy's fur is.

16. THIS ONE IS SO FLUFFY. Look at his little twitchy nose.

17. This bunny is totally chill about messy manicures.

18. This bunny hasn't even reached his final form yet.

19. This bunny isn't bitter that Easter is over. He just wants to be your buddy.

20. Do you feel better yet?

21. The healing power of bunnies is strong.


23. Go go bunny magic!

24. Now you may go about your day, refreshed.